The Major

By Ivan Mouat

In the early 1930's the Major came out from England to Salt Spring Island. He had a grand time as an unattached young “man about the town.” He later got married and had children - lots of children - and was no longer able to make ends meet. My father, W.M. Mouat, noticed that he had not paid his January, February, or March store account and it was almost the end of April. So Dad thought he should have a “word” with the Major about this situation. “Major, I notice you haven’t paid your bill for some months and I was wondering if there was a problem?” “Well, yes, Willie, you know with all these children needing clothes and boots and so on, what I do is put the names of my creditors in a box and pull out a name and pay each one until I have no money left. And dash it Willie, if I have any more of your cheek, I won’t even put the Mouat’s Trading name in the box!”

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